Coronation Street Wiki


Richard is dreading the funeral. He keeps trying to make excuses to get out of going but Gail insists he attends. After overhearing Rita on the phone, Kirk gets the wrong end of the stick and tells Norris that Emily wants him to move back in. Norris is delighted and tells Les what he thinks of his house. Norris is appalled when he sees Spider arriving at No.3 and realises the mistake. Ken doesn't attend Maxine's funeral but places some flowers on the doorstep of No.4 instead. Spider escorts Emily to the funeral. They get a lift with Gail and Richard. Martin, Kevin, Curly and Derek are the pallbearers at the funeral. Maxine's funeral takes place. Richard finds himself sitting just behind Ashley, Fred, Beryl Peacock and Doreen. He's sweating profusely and is on the point of cracking up. Audrey suddenly makes sense of everything. She takes Norris into her confidence and suggests that Richard might have been trying to kill Emily and that it went wrong. Norris says it's not possible as Richard was in the Rovers with him that evening. Derek tries to read a bible passage but is too overcome with grief. Fred and Gail insist that Richard takes over the reading. Richard has no option. Aidan is surprised when his father, Bob Critchley, visits him. Richard finishes the bible passage. He's in a state of emotional turmoil and tells the congregation that he's got a confession to make.


Regular cast[]

Guest cast[]



Notable dialogue[]

Richard Hillman (reading the bible passage at the funeral): "...and the hour is coming, when all that are in the graves shall hear his voice and come forth. They that have done good, unto the resurrection of life, and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of judgement."

January 2003 episodes
Wed 1stFri 3rdSun 5th • Mon 6th (1 2) • Wed 8thFri 10th
Sun 12th • Mon 13th (1 2) • Wed 15thFri 17thSun 19th • Mon 20th (1 2)
Wed 22ndFri 24thSun 26th • Mon 27th (1 2) • Wed 29thFri 31st